BR [HZ]Pvt. Jas2511 STEAM_0:1:13495260 RDM and Propclimb
Name of player: [HZ]Pvt. Jas2511

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:13495260

Time in GMT: Roughly: 4:30-5:20 EST: 12:40-1:29

Server: v33x

In proceeding to drive around and mind my own business, [HZ]Pvt. Jas2511 parks his car, and starts randomly shooting everyone with a sniper. Also, when I go to retrieve my car from the area around in which he is, he will randomly snipe me. He also has propclimbed up to the roof of a house and is proceeding to shoot anyone who comes by that isnt even on his property.

Messages In This Thread
BR [HZ]Pvt. Jas2511 STEAM_0:1:13495260 RDM and Propclimb - by Builder874 - 08-20-2013, 05:20 AM

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