Ban Request on Butters
Name of player: Butters

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:52987463

Time in GMT: 1:00 AM

Server: [Image: b_350_20_545454_141414_FFFFFF_30B8D6.png]

Summary:Me and my friend were trying to run a peaceful gunshop when Butters decided to rage outside of our store and smash a prop around. As he was smashing props around it hit my friends truck and threw it across the map. Several people attempted to stop him as I tried to hostage rope him to remove his physgun. He continuously said, "There's no use. I could just relog and do it again". So we followed him around to make sure he didn't try to escape. After several attempts he said, "I'm literally on this server to *** around with the players and staff. Like I said, there's no use in trying to stop me ***.". A lot of people seen him, trying to get him to stop. He wouldn't stop. He had no intention to roleplay at all. In conclusion we need this user off the server to avoid further actions made by him.

Evidence: [Image: 472AF77821A81BCFD2FF3BA9A575958C126A5694]

[Image: 6FAFB4FE43183D51F68073F53617B66A9B62FDC2]

[Image: 19719FFD30167FE4764B8E296B02F93CB4B57C44] Those would be the photographic evidence (Well all that I could provide during session before being smashed to death by a prop). For witnesses on evidence, I can not provide unless they see and comment on this thread.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request on Butters - by Cody - 08-17-2013, 07:34 AM
RE: Ban Request on Butters - by 5p carrier bag - 08-17-2013, 07:50 AM
RE: Ban Request on Butters - by Adman - 08-17-2013, 09:13 AM

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