Ban request xTrax (On W-I-I-D) ®
Name of PLayer: xTrax (On W-I-I-D) ®
Steam ID:STEAM_0:1:30348667
Time in GMT:half and hour ago this thread
Server V33x
Summary: Well i was a president and a player was punching my officer so i do warrant on him after that this player become an police officer and he started shootin my cops because he get arrested so i demote him after that i was writing my laws and he raid me without an rp reason he hostage me and he was asking 5k and then he will be release me i told him that is not aloud give more that 2k then he said give him 2k x2 times so i take many pics of this raid you can see clearly what those players wrote pic 1 pic 2 pic 3

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Ban request xTrax (On W-I-I-D) ® - by Trooozos alkolikolikolikos - 08-06-2013, 12:48 PM

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