Slyfox Security Corporation [Is closing down] Give us a week or two please
(OOC) Steam Name: ( You're steam name ) [FT:RP] Rain
(OOC) SteamID: ( Your Steam ID ) STEAM_0:0:37922824
(OOC) Age: ( Your Real Age ) 16
(OOC) Roleplay Points: ( How many RP points do you have ) 0
(OOC) Hours In-Game: ( How many hours did you spend on FL ) 268
(OOC) Bans: ( How many bans do you have ) 5 (Since Nov 2011)
(OOC) Which division are you applying for: ( Which division do you want to join? ) Task Force
(OOC) Why this division?: ( A reason why you want to be in this division ) I am more of a take them out from a distance or do it when they are not expecting it sort of guy. Also because there is not as many Task Force as there is Security so I want to try balance the numbers a bit.
(OOC) Expierence: ( What expierence do you have in general ) I have played garrys mod since its release, played Fearless for 2 years and I am fairly decent at building ( I have a thread if you want to look at it in the Marketplace)
(OOC) About you: ( Tell us a little bit about you ) I have allowed myself to get distracted by not playing properly due to not having much to do, this lead to arguements and me doing unnessecary things leading to a ban. I want to join something so I can actively RP properly and avoid things like that in the future. Although I am not proud of my bans I do not care much for what people think of them as they were my own stupidity. I am fairly active and can participate in events and RPs if you want me too, I can also help out with anything else required as I am not the worst with things like photoshop and forum stuff etc.

Messages In This Thread
RE: Slyfox Security Corporation [NEWr version] - by Rain - 08-03-2013, 07:28 AM
SAS RP - by Hungames - 08-20-2013, 01:08 AM

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