Ban request for Speed
He also try to break into my base when i join the game. I ask him to leave over and over again and he would not so before i did anything i ask him one more time. he pull out his gun and start to shot me so i killed him. After that i broke my stuff and went too fish base and set up the when i was done i was going to the city and saw he was trying to break into Fish base as a cop. I told Fish what was happening then he left and took the job of Don and started to do the stuff that Fish post.

Messages In This Thread
Ban request for Speed - by Fish - 06-10-2011, 02:06 AM
RE: Ban request for Speed - by Maxter Wolf - 06-10-2011, 02:20 AM
RE: Ban request for Speed - by MikeyTheFox - 06-10-2011, 04:12 AM

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