Ban request for Speed
Player name: | SLA | Spee[D]

SteamID (if possible): STEAM_0:1:32188768

Time in GMT: around 4:45 - 5:00 (AM)

Summary: This player came into the server, and began causing trouble right off of the bat. When i encountered him, he was trying to break into my base, without a reason. I know there was no reason, since i had never seen him before. Maxter Wolf and I were inside the base at the time, we warned him and told him to leave, yet he continued to push forward. He drew a gun on us and we killed him. Then, breaking NLR, he came back, broke into the base and killed BOTH OF US. I can confidently say that he had an aimbot, since i was sneaking behind him, and he immediatly knew where i was and killed me in 2 perfect shots. He then proceeded to continue his raid (still without reason, since he died previously), stole Maxter's car, and continued to cause trouble around the city. Upon asking some of the other players, i found out that he had attacked and killed various people without reason.

Evidence: Although no screenshots or videos could be recorded, there were several witnesses. Myself, Chimp Balls, Maxter Wolf, and The Enlightened Nerd all encountered the man first hand, while others heard about what was happening on OOC.

As a closing statement, i have no doubt in my mind that it was an aimbot, inb4 "lol how do u know", ive used them before, and ive admined for ~5 years now. All i know is that this guy caused trouble without reason, and continued to break rules even after we asked him to stop. No admins were present/available at the time, probably because it was so early in the morning/late at night (depending on the time zone)

Messages In This Thread
Ban request for Speed - by Fish - 06-10-2011, 02:06 AM
RE: Ban request for Speed - by Maxter Wolf - 06-10-2011, 02:20 AM
RE: Ban request for Speed - by MikeyTheFox - 06-10-2011, 04:12 AM

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