Ban Request On Terrifier
CLOSED - Terrifier was banned
Name of player: Terrifier

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:44707512

Time in GMT: 10 minutes before this post

Server: V2p

Summary: I got on V2p when I noticed a big shipment crate flying through the sky and killing people, I got closer to see who was pushing it, it was Terrifier.

Evidence: Screenshots:,lfzyUSF,OdtAAob...,ZHqbGJx#5

Just as I finished this post he started up again, except he used his own prop this time:,hdWDRa6,vXtjBT1...b1,2kSuRmU

15 Minutes or so after my last edit I went to spawn to see this:,FqsOQMU,JG7I90H,vNGnU3R

A few more screenshot of him fully prop blocking the nexus and prop spamming causing many deaths:

Septic got 2 videos of him, you can see them on the ban request he made:

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request On Terrifier - by Zaddion - 07-31-2013, 11:27 PM
RE: Ban Request On Terrifier - by DARK910 - 08-01-2013, 01:52 AM
RE: Ban Request On Terrifier - by Narc - 08-04-2013, 01:53 AM

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