Bitcoins and any other cryptocoins?
(07-31-2013, 01:28 AM)Spyderr Wrote: It think building mining rigs and investing in bit coins is a risky venture. The prices are constantly dropping and I believe soon they will be worth nothing.

Well you can still get decent speeds with a good GPU.
I use my PC to mine which gets decent speeds. I have a Gigabyte Radeon 7970 HD

And yes, cryptocoins market might be unstable sometimes but well...

That are risk you have to take in that business, no matter if you're dealing with USD or BTC.

I currently have 20 DGC. DGC/BTC is 0.00029512 which is nothing.
I'll hang on to them for idk.. A year, 2 years, 5 years? And I just hope they will rise again, once... IF they would come to 0.1 or something that'll be good...

Messages In This Thread
RE: Bitcoins and any other cryptocoins? - by cnr - 07-31-2013, 01:28 AM
RE: Bitcoins and any other cryptocoins? - by Theblackshadowofgod - 07-31-2013, 02:08 AM
RE: Bitcoins and any other cryptocoins? - by Ludo - 08-04-2013, 10:07 AM

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