Presdient Tried to arrest me In my spawn
Alright, basically the president decided to visit her Grand mother/mother's house. She goes inside and I spot corleones inside standing awfully close to her. In order to assure the president's safety I rush inside and order you to go out, note that before I tazed you I told you several times to leave, which can't be seen in the video because you either cut that out or you started recording the second I tazed you. But I gave you several chances to leave, as you're under gun point the thing you -should- do is obey me and exit the building. Instead you decide to break fearrp and run around the house yelling failrp and random taze when I tazed you. I also was going to let you go, but then you said 'All Corleones, kill the President' at that point I was going to arrest you due to death threats against the president, but then I got tranqed, and we left.

You're also skyping/teamspeaking with a friend whilst playing on the server, which makes me suspect that you're metagaming pretty hard.

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RE: Presdient Tried to arrest me In my spawn - by Ted - 07-26-2013, 12:35 PM

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