BR-on SiO!
playername: Sio !


Server: V33x

Time: 10 minutes before this post

Summarry:ok so I come in the tides hotel and I see a lot of guards they were messing araund camera spaming NOT DOING THEIR JOB then they want me out of there I was leaven then they trap me they were all areound me and they ask me fro 2k and I said why do u want 2k this is random hostaging and they just shot me

That's him mugging me..
and that's him shottign me wich is also RDM

Messages In This Thread
BR-on SiO! - by Jake14 - 07-25-2013, 05:02 PM
RE: BR-on SiO! - by aviator - 07-27-2013, 01:02 PM

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