[GUIDE] How to properly drive in Fearless

Are you fed up of losing control while driving, constantly being pulled over by the police or ruining that treasured sports car?
If so, then this is the right thread for you!

Chapter 1: Server Rules & Restrictions
Chapter 2: Traffic Lights
Chapter 3: Speed Limits
Chapter 4: Parking
Chapter 5: Stop Signs
Chapter 6: How to pull over for the law

Chapter 1: Server Rules & Restrictions

Fearless provides many rules related to vehicles which limit you and provide a improved overall experience. You must follow these rules or face consequences which could range from a warning, to a black list, or finally a suspension. In this chapter, we will go over the rules that are related to vehicles,we will also go into detail ensuring you understand what you can do, and what you can not do.

Car Death Match (CDM):
This is the most important rule when it comes to driving a vehicle, the meaning of Car Death Match, (also known as CDM) is fairly explanatory, although we will still explain it in case anyone does not understand. Car Death Match, is the term used a person intentionally runs someone over, therefore using their car as a weapon.

This term represents vehicle rule one which is: 'Do not run people over at purpose and always try to brake or avoid the person.' Therefore CDM is a bannable offence, and you shouldn't brake this rule under any circumstance.

Note: If you do accidentally hit someone while driving, then you should come to a halt, get out the care, check on them, see if they're still breathing, and call a paramedic, you should not by any means drive off and leave them to die!

Driving on the right side of the road:
You may ask, which side of the road should you drive on? The answer is simple, here in Evo-City we drive on the right side of the road. This means under no circumstance should you be driving on the left side of the road. You also must not drive on the pavement, as this will most likely result to CDM.

This relates to vehicle rule number two:'Drive at the right side (not left) of the street, and not on the pavement.' You should follow this rule at all times.

Ramming Vehicles:
You're not permitted to randomly ram vehicles, therefore you need to drive as precisely as possible, as ramming a lot of vehicles could result in a possible Black List, if an staff member believe it's appropriate.

This related to vehicle rule number eleven: 'Don't randomly crash into other vehicles.' you should follow this rule, as it creates a better experience for all players and makes it more enjoyable to drive around Evo-City.

Chapter 2: Traffic Lights

Why should you stop?
You may think that stopping at traffic lights is a waste of time? Well, it's not. It makes Evo-City a much safer place to be, by following traffic lights, it prevents people crashing into each other, and civilians being ran over. It organizes the flow of traffic, and in my opinion, it's more realistic and enhances Role-Play.

People following the traffic lights on Fearless is so slim, that I'm actually surprised when I see other people follow them. I hope that after everyone has read this guide, we see a lot more people following the lights.

When should you stop?
You should stop at the traffic light when the traffic light is red, when approaching a traffic light, you should lower your speed in case there is a sudden change, if the light turns red then come to a halt in front of the crossing. You may continue when the light turns green.

You should not continue at a high speed when approaching a traffic light, this is because, if it changes, it could cause a collision between your self and another vehicle. You should not ignore the traffic lights completely and just drive past as this could also cause a collision.

Spoiler: How to stop at a traffic light:

What are the dangers of not stopping at the traffic lights?
There are many dangers available if you fail to stop at a stop sign, for example, if you do not come to a halt at a traffic light, you could hit crossing civilian and cause serious injuries and possibly death, you may also cause a colision if you fail to stop at the traffic light. This means you're putting your self and other drivers at risk. The final danger that can occur is if you're caught, you could be in trouble with the law and be faced with a fine or a jail sentence.

Chapter 3: Speed Limits

How to find out the speed limit:
You may ask, how should we abide the speed limit, if we do not know it? If you do not know the speed limit, and you're about to enter your vehicle, you should immediatly scroll up and take a look for the recent laws, and if you can not find them, use the /request function to request the President to repeat the laws. This will prevent you ever breaking the speed limit!

How to abide by the speed limit?
There are a few ways you can simply abide by the speed limit. The first one, and the one I find easiest, is to purchase cruise control, this allows you to set a speed, which your vehicle can not accelerate above, therefore this makes it extremely easy to follow the speed limit. The second way to follow the speed limit, is by not just holding down W. Hold it for a few seconds and then let go, aim to be below the speed limit every time and you will succeed!

Spoiler: How to abide by the speed limit

What are the punishments of speeding?
There are many different consequences which you could receive if you do break the speed limit, the most frequent punishment which you may receive, is a speeding fine, the officer will decide on the fine when he pulls you over. The next punishment, and the worse you could receive, is a jail sentence. You may receive this if, you do any of the following, do not pull over, you're a repeat offender, or if you're breaking the speed limit by an excessive amount.

The dangers of speeding:
The list of dangers when speeding is endless, but we will discuss a few here to give you an idea of what could happen. If you're traveling above the speed limit and you loose control, this could cause you to CDM, therefore you're breaking the rules and may receive sanctions. Another danger of speeding is the fact you may crash into another vehicle, or a tree therefore causing damage to your self and other players. The final danger, is not just your self. By speeding, you're putting everyone in the city, in danger. This is something you do not want to do, so you should abide by the speed limit!

Chapter 4: Parking

Where to park?
There are many places you can park in Evo-City, although, you're not to park your car in the middle of the road, as this is a problem for other drivers and prevents them being able to drive safely and without problems. If you're looking for a safe place to park your car, then some of these may help, by KFC, or BP, by Burger King. There are many more, just ensure you're in a correct parking spot.

Spoiler: Places to park

This relates to vehicle rule number three: 'Don't park your car on the middle of the street.'

Chapter 5: Stop Signs

What are they there for?
The stop signs are there to alert the driver that he needs to stop at a junction, the reason for this is to prevent to cars going at the same time and causing a crash in the middle of the junction. This means it's extremely important that when you see a stop sign, you do in fact stop, instead of driving out and endangering your self and others.

Where are the stop signs?
There are many stop signs around Evo-city, they're on most junctions and as you know it's to prevent casualties. You will see them all around the city, and outside too, you should look out for them when ever you're driving, since if you miss one, this could cause you to be in great danger.

Spoiler: Evo-City's Stop Signs
Neat Rebel Spawn:
[Image: 2cmxmhe.png]

Tunnel Towards Lake:
[Image: 2lcbuwk.png]

What should you do at a stop sign?
If you notice a stop sign, then you should begin to slow down as you approach it, once you get to the stop sign, come to a dead halt. You should then look right and left, ensuring that there is no vehicle coming from either direction. Once you're that satisfied that there is no oncoming traffic, you may then turn into the junction and continue on your journey. Under no circumstance should you turn out if you have not looked for oncoming traffic as this is putting everyone driving a vehicle at risk and could cause casualties.

Spoiler: How to stop at a stop sign

What are the dangers of not stopping at a stop sign?
Many dangers can occur if you fail to stop at a stop sign, for example, if you do not come to a halt and check for oncoming traffic, then you could pull out in front of another motorist and cause a collision. This means you're putting your self and other drivers at risk. The second danger that can occur is if you're caught, you could be in trouble with the law and be faced with a fine or a jail sentence.

Chapter 6: How to pull over for the law

How do you know when you must pull over?
If you have violated the traffic laws, and an officer is trying to pull over then you will definitely know about it. His sirens will be blaring out and he may even be shouting for you to pull over. He will also be following shortly behind you. You will have no excuse for not pulling over, so make sure you're quick to react, and pull over.

How do you pull over?
This is a must know for all drivers, as if not performed or done incorrectly, it may cause a danger to the public, your self, and the officer on call. Firstly, when you realize you're being signaled to pull over, you must begin to slow down, start pulling off to the side and then come to a halt. Make sure you have pulled the vehicle well out the road so you're not blocking oncoming traffic. You must also ensure you stay inside the car until the officer gives you orders to exit the vehicle.

What will happen if you do not pull over?
There are many consequences that could happen if you do not pull over when requested, the following could happen to you if you do not pull over, depending on the officer, he may request a warrant and have you arrested if you decide you want to try and escape the law, the alternative is that he may decide to issue a more expensive fine for wasting his time, the best idea is just to pull over and accept the punishment.


Ideas, writing the guide, images, videos, and updating the thread

He made the banner at the top of the page, which made the guide look more professional.
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[GUIDE] How to properly drive in Fearless - by Pavilion - 07-21-2013, 10:24 PM

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