Assistance with buying a new GFX card.
I always have considered Nvidia a great starting company for many non-tech savy people out there. Basically their GTX's is an ascending list.

GTX 210 - Extremely old and bad
GTX 220 - Extremely old, but newer than the 210, bad.
GTX 230 - Extremely old, newer than the 220, bad,
GTX 540 - Moreso modern, much better than the 230. And 530 for that matter.
GTX 550 - Moreso modern, newer than the 540, better than the 540
(Here is where it gets a bit tricky with GTX)
GTX 550ti - Newer than the 550, better than the 550 - $122 (£80)
This list goes up to the 590. A $900 or so GFX card, extremely powerful.
But the 600 series goes down a bit in power. (Its really complex for me to explain, sorry if this is not making sense)

All in all, however, I would recommend the GTX 550ti 1gb or the GTX 640 2gb as your new gfx card. The more ddr5 memory you have, the better it will run. But the ti series is good all on its own. Pick or choose, the choice is yours.

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RE: Assistance with buying a new GFX card. - by yarrrs - 07-21-2013, 09:01 AM

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