UNBR - Spyderr
Your name:[FL:RP] Spyderr (Steam friends name)

Your ban ID: 34644 (Number of the ban, this could be 2779 for example)

Banned by:Fultzy (Admin that banned you)

Reason:FearRP / Promoting aggressive RP (Why were you banned, what's listed as the reason?)

Involved: Reefaz (Who was involved? Type a - when there were no other people involved except you and the admin.)

Why we should unban you: Basically here is what happened. I was hearing of a raid so I pmed RadioActivePig and asked him if he was ok and if he's being raided, he said "yes, I'm at UM come help, the police are raiding me"(I was a gangster and I was friends with the corleones at the time and he was the Don.) So, I went to UM and saw a butt load of cops cars. His base was at the big tanks at the back. I walked up to the base entrance and an sru said to me "Please go back behind the police cars, this is dangerous" so I ALT walked backwards and he told me "Maam go faster or I'm going to have to make you" so I ran backwards behind the police cars into a bush. In the bush I pulled out a tranq and tranqd the sru so I could go back and get a closer look at the base and see if there was anyone in there that needed help (by anyone I mean a corleone) the sru was awoken by a cops tazer. After this I holstered the tranq and ran back to the police cars. Reefaz came up to me and said "Leave the area, this is a crime scene" so I said "Why should I?" then he said something like "If you don't leave I'm going to have to arrest you" (something like that, this was a day ago) so I pulled a pistol out NOT TO KILL HIM (I had no intention on any violence happening) I told him "You move back" then he pulled out a tazer and another cop pulled up to both of us, the cop got out with his pistol in hand and shot me. I did shoot back because it was self defence but I was killed. I do not understand how I broke fearrp when Reefaz pulled out a tazer with a pistol to his face and the other cop coming out of the car and shooting me. I had no intention of promoting agressiverp AT ALL. I just wanted to use the pistol to provoke reefaz to let me go back to the base.

Messages In This Thread
UNBR - Spyderr - by cnr - 07-20-2013, 05:54 PM
RE: UNBR - Spyderr - by Reefaz - 07-20-2013, 06:00 PM
RE: UNBR - Spyderr - by Fultz - 07-20-2013, 07:29 PM
RE: UNBR - Spyderr - by cnr - 07-20-2013, 07:43 PM
RE: UNBR - Spyderr - by Fultz - 07-20-2013, 08:23 PM

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