Unfair Ban!
Your name: [AG] KaiBoyFtw15

Your ban ID: 34491

Banned by: [FL] Jokhah

Reason: Random Raiding, CDM'S, General Minging, Lying To Admin.

Involved: I guess just me and the Admin.

Why we should unban you: Well I think I have been falsely accused a little bit here. Lets start with the first accusation which I guess you could say was right but, he was my friend I was talking to him on Skype at the time his name is [FL:RP] KPredeyes and I thought it would be funny for me to be there once he gets back.

Second accusation which also could be argued that it was true but I had a terrible lag spike as I have just changed from Talk-Talk to sky hence the reason I haven't been playing alot of GMOD lately but my Internet is all sorted now (just saying).

Third accusation What you call general minging I call having a laugh now I am not being funny but I was not the only one having fun that day, I guess you could call it a FailRP day reason one: On V2d everyone was outside the nexus and they were all putting cars in a row and turing them into wacky colors which I thought was cool so I put my car in line and the admin [FL] Jokhah picked my car up and froze it in mid-air now I felt a bit intimidated because everyone was laughing at me so I kind of went along with the joke laughing all that good stuff which brings me onto my second point.

Reason two: There was a guy that had been hit by a car and he was on the floor so Jokhah cam along and picked him up and froze him next to a lamppost he then pulls the rope thingy out with his tall gun and hangs him from the lamppost which again would be quite intimidating to whoever it was he picked up and hung and also quite offensive to me because I have a friend who's dad committed suicide by hanging himself and then there's everyone just sat there laughing. Now after everyone one in OOC was shouting abuse all that and quite frank Jokhah didn't even give a damn what he had done.

And for that last accusation: I don't have a clue where I lied to Jokhah so if you could please tell me where I lied it would be much appreciated.

Now all I am asking is for you to rethink my ban maybe even shorten it.

Also if Jokhah has the time is it possible for an apology for the hanging thing because people hang them self everyday due to things like bullying and I feel quite offended that Jokhah would do this.

Thankyou for reading.

Messages In This Thread
Unfair Ban! - by KaiBoyFtw14 - 07-18-2013, 08:30 PM
RE: Unfair Ban! - by Kpred - 07-18-2013, 08:40 PM
RE: Unfair Ban! - by KaiBoyFtw14 - 07-18-2013, 10:22 PM
RE: Unfair Ban! - by Old Man Jokhah - 07-19-2013, 04:21 AM
RE: Unfair Ban! - by KaiBoyFtw14 - 07-19-2013, 01:33 PM
RE: Unfair Ban! - by DoomDude1 - 07-19-2013, 01:53 PM
RE: Unfair Ban! - by Old Man Jokhah - 07-19-2013, 04:20 PM

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