05/06/2011 - Ban Request on Dude-Raiders
(06-05-2011, 05:40 PM)Dragneel Wrote: ive also had several problems with this guy

yesterday he kept running from gunpoint

i was SS and we were rping a facist goverment sending everyone to a concentration camp, when i was gonna cuff him, he keept jumping away to avoid it, when i finaly do succed he starts going off to a diffrent direction than me and my m4a1 told him

dont have any pictures to proove this, but the guy is a minge

please ban him, preferably perm

I saw this from my booth Smile

Messages In This Thread
RE: 05/06/2011 - Ban Request on Dude-Raiders - by dryblood321 - 06-05-2011, 05:42 PM
RE: 05/06/2011 - Ban Request on Dude-Raiders - by dryblood321 - 06-05-2011, 08:02 PM

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