DarkWolf611's Unban Request
Your name: DarkWolf611

Your ban ID: 13023

Banned by: Temar

Reason: cheating/hacking/gameplay tampering 2nd Offence

Involved: Just myself and a script I missed when taking out the auto aim script

Why we should unban you: When I was banned the second time it was due to a script I was unaware of being in my auto run folder (DarkRPents.lua) The stupid fucking script didn't even work. I tried explaining this but it was to no avail. Everyone (Excluding Temar) who posted on my previous unban app threw wild accusations at me off of pure biased opinion by looking at what I was banned for. All saying "There is no way you didn't know that script was still there." calling me a lier and ignorant.

I have donated to help this server stay afloat (No one cares, right?) and I have many hours on the server and I have learned my lesson. I do not use these petty hacks anymore. They are outdated and I quit using scripts long ago.

I am begging forgiveness and consideration so I can come back and RP. It took me ages to work up the rp money for my BMW... please.

Messages In This Thread
DarkWolf611's Unban Request - by DarkWolf611 - 07-08-2013, 11:30 AM
RE: DarkWolf611's Unban Request - by DoomDude1 - 07-09-2013, 02:02 AM
RE: DarkWolf611's Unban Request - by DarkWolf611 - 07-10-2013, 12:31 AM
RE: DarkWolf611's Unban Request - by Temar - 08-08-2013, 12:20 AM

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