BR:epic4life,Łørd Šãńdvīčho The 3rd,[FL:RP] SkitZ,Austin Zirgar,Dark ^_^ Drifter
Name of player:epic4life , Łørd Šãńdvīčho The 3rd , [FL:RP] Skitz, Austin Zirgar, Dark ^_^ Drifter

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:55306066 , STEAM_0:1:61117760 , STEAM_0:1:40807732 , STEAM_0:0:56290267 , STEAM_0:1:59572243

Time in GMT:-6 2:00 - 2:40 AM


Summary:Basically these guys randomly raided the president (1) Then they were raiding as citizens and rebels and a chef (2) Then they scammed him for 5000 for 2 people (3) Then 1000 to other people (4)
This happened to [FL:RP]Natural
I just felt discouraged enough to post a ban request.
His footage as well (He doesn't have a forum account, asked me to post this.)
[Image: f8ba1Yh.png]

Messages In This Thread
BR:epic4life,Łørd Šãńdvīčho The 3rd,[FL:RP] SkitZ,Austin Zirgar,Dark ^_^ Drifter - by Kulthro - 07-07-2013, 10:51 AM

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