Ban Request: [FL:RP] outgoingjake and [FL:RP]Barney[No Sound]
I am NOT known for being a minge.. -_- A lot of people on the server during the time areas that I play LOVE me as President and as an RPer in general. I don't EVER purposely run people over, kill for no reason, or random raid. I have been banned twice. Once for FailRP because I was driving a sports car as an SRU, and another time for backseat Administration. In this situation, I don't see any rule breaking at all for me or Barney, for that matter. I didn't ever NLR, because the officer was killing my friend after I died, so I killed the officer. I also wasn't killing him for no reason. The Officer had shot me multiple times whilst I had a knife aimed at him, so I started killing him. This is my LAST comment, because I'm just going to leave it to an Admin to make a decision. Sincerely, Outgoingjake

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RE: Ban Request: [FL:RP] outgoingjake and [FL:RP]Barney[No Sound] - by outgoingjake - 07-07-2013, 04:44 AM

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