Name:Th3 0NL1N3 K1LL3R

Ban ID:34304

Banned by: Grub

reason: BAR,frinedly fire


Summary:OK so i got banned for destroying ma fellow coeleones contraban.ok so this is what happend so i spawned as a corleone and thne i went inside a houses yard and i went AFK anfter i came back there were Wall araund and it looked like a base i dint know who it was so i went inside the house and stopped contraban so i destroyed it as i was destroying it the owner went inside and he was filming and told me he was going to post a BR on me for friendly fire after that i appologized to him and asked him if he wanted his money back he said he dint car about it so he made me keep the money.so thtas waht happend) (NOTE: im not doing this for the time of the ban cuz is kinda my fault becuz i dint check whos house it was but the door was opened so i dint mind to go inside and im also doing it becuz its in my record and i was told by 12 ban i would get perma so ima take soem time to un justify my record of bans that were not true im not saying there all lie some of theme are actually true and im a humman i make mistakes but anyways thank u for Reading is ok if is not enough proof to unban me but i jau wanted to get it clear and thank u for Reading again have a nice day Smile

Messages In This Thread
UNBAN REQUEST ON Th3 0NL1N3 K1LL3R - by lazaro123 - 07-06-2013, 07:17 PM
RE: UNBAN REQUEST ON Th3 0NL1N3 K1LL3R - by Grub - 07-08-2013, 04:24 PM

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