Ban request Jammarman

Driving my car to the garage on v2p server
He (as a police) comes around the corner tazing at me and then shooting me for absolute no reason (rdm)
Then claiming that i was charging for him with my car to kill him...

This kid also the same time maxed tax to 30 without reason and when we want him to lower it he sais the someone gotta become a police...

And as an extra he speaks funny to sounds like below 12 wich as i can remember from before whe i read the rules is also against the rules (not sure but i think it said so but it might just be another server)

Thank you!


Messages In This Thread
Ban request Jammarman - by Gosepojken - 06-30-2013, 04:47 AM
RE: Ban request Jammarman - by ArcHammer - 06-30-2013, 11:56 PM
RE: Ban request Jammarman - by Grub - 07-06-2013, 09:10 AM

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