Mic doesn't work on FL servers & Name
I have tested my mic on many other servers and only when I play fearless servers (all 3) my mic just makes a very loud buzzing noise when I try to use it and I don't know why. I need help as I can't figure out how to fix it and it is kind of essential to me when trying to RP.


P.S. Excuse my broken FRAPS causing flashing D:

EDIT: Also while I am posting this I might as well ask if its possible to change my forum name from liammfc as its a name I used back in 2011, and it means people don't really know who I am as it differs from my steam name

Yeah it just fixed itself not long ago thanks, just edited that part out as you posted Tounge, konw anything about name change?

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Mic doesn't work on FL servers & Name - by liammfc - 06-30-2013, 02:08 AM

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