[BAN] Smith Petrov and GroovyPanda
Name of player: Smith Petrov GroovyPanda

SteamID:STEAM_0:0:28493514 STEAM_0:0:33706704

Server: V33X 5:23pm UK

Summary:I was GunDealer and a Rebal was driving seen this base and throw a FireBomb Thing and i was just standing there watching while i walk around looking for my car then 2-3 mins later 2 colones come up to me and start saying i was Rading as GunDelaer when i was watching this unfold they pointed guns at me and said why did you throw the Firebomb i said i didn't and right next to me was the Rebals car and then they starting shooting me and in the end RDM me i did nothing wrong they should get Banned and learn to read the rules


Messages In This Thread
[BAN] Smith Petrov and GroovyPanda - by ChickenNuggetsaregood - 06-28-2013, 05:00 PM
RE: [BAN] Smith Petrov and GroovyPanda - by Temar - 07-23-2013, 08:56 AM

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