Willrogerson - Fail rebel leader, RDM, teamkill
First of all I became rebel leader then our HQ was at the powerplant so I went their and they told me the codes for the contraband room and main entrance I then entered the contraband room and got some money it was about 1800$ when I left the room mafian man said give it back, I admit at first I didnt since I was confused why they gave me the code if they were not going to share it so later I paid him back 2000$. Then I went over to the main entrance and he pulled a gun on me and said I will kill you so at that moment I waited for him to be off guard and tranqed for safety precautions because he was posing a threat to my fellow rebels and I tied him up I had a chat about what he just did and then I untied him. As a rebel leader I wanted to search are HQ and he showed me his secret room I went in then came out and then pulled his gun on me again and shot me once so I didnt break fearrp I cowarded in a corner then when he disarmed himself I ran away so now I decided enough was enough I had given him enough chances so I tranqed him then killed him then demoted him.

Im sorry if I did something wrong but that is what hapened I think I did the right thing.

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RE: Willrogerson - Fail rebel leader, RDM, teamkill - by willrogerson - 06-23-2013, 06:23 PM

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