Ban Request: IGx is at it again this time called Decie_ere
Name of player: IGx Stylez / Decie_ere

SteamID: STEAM_0:1:62121734

Time in GMT: between 2 and 3 am

Server: EvoCity2_v2p

So when i first started to properly play this server I met IGx we got friendly and played most of the night, we talked cars , weapons,fishing everything. He showed me how to fish even give me a rod. As the night went on i mentioned what car i was saving for he then asked how much I had when i told him he give me 80k out of no were. This ment I was able to get the car(im very gratefull for him giving me the money).
Skip forward from then to tonight, he messages me asking were im basing and all, so since i thought that I could trust him I show him my house inside and out I even give him one of my dupes. He leaves and nothings said about it a while later he comes back starts spamming my keypad trying to get it, not noticing its him i warn him to leave or ill shoot, he carrys on so i shoot him ounce in the foot.
He then talks through mic and i see his image and reckonise that its him so I take out my hands instead. He asks to come in but I didnt want him in this time as i was still contra and weed farming, after telling him that i wasnt going to open up he spawns a chair and gets in anyway using the glitch.
He then proceeds to take money from one of my labs i yell at him and he says sorry while laughing then takes out another chair and starts swinging it around my weed pots messing the whole layout up. So I pulled my gun out and fired off a warning shot at him hitting him again. He runs outta the house and doesn't come back....well for atleast 20 more minutes.
20 or so minutes later i here someone at my door,its locked so im not to worried since ive added a extra prop or two to stop him chair glitching the door this time. Again i warn him not to come in or I will shoot but he comes in so I start to shoot.He then runs outside and starts firing into my house wounding me but not killing me.
He disappears off round the corner and then I can here im start clicking with his tool alot that's when i started to record (just in case) next thing you know he appears inside my house were was previously empty. I immediately start to fire upon him as I know he is armed (he was a donor class) he shouts things like " i wont raid you" as he gets his weapons out and fires back upon me. This killed me despite me having the upper hand. I agree to NLR and then lye there as I here him blowing up and destroying everything in my house that he could.

Evidence: here is a video

Something really needs to be done about this guy, I understand he has donated but I doubt he is the sort of person you want playing your server. When I told him id recorded everything and was gunna post a Ban Request here is the response I got [Image: 96xcnl.png]
He seems rather proud if you ask me

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request: IGx is at it again this time called Decie_ere - by MrRabbit - 06-21-2013, 03:49 AM

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