Ban Request - Emperor Cow | KreXArN | Trix
(06-20-2013, 05:16 PM)Trix Wrote: Hey there, Time for my point of View. The stepping on the body... I am very new to Gmod and literally had no idea that would kill him but i suppose its still my bad on that one but lesson learnt, don't step on bodies. Second there accusation of breaking fear RP. These cops were literally tazing up the whole apartments. The reason the cook was getting arrested was apparently because he fired a gun. it wasn't even him it was a rebel. they were being reckless arresting whomever they wanted with no reason. So to protest this i sat in there car telling them 'they could kill me if they wanted this is a protest to the reckless cops' they were just going to drive off and arrest others without given reason they weren't even interested in rping just abusing there power. i was even saying 'of course i am scared but i will do whatever it takes to stop crooked cops' this was around the time he was saying i dont care your gonna get banned anyway for not obeying me... anyway judge for yourself.

First we did not tazed the whole appartment, only people who disturbed the police situation (after we warned them). The other Cop (elhitman56) is witness in this whole case.´We were partnered.

Second the chef was cuffed because he had a crowbar out and tried to hit people + he insulted us (you can check it on the video - i ask for an arrest warrant).

And please , show me and the other cop any evidence of your blame on us! The admins are able to look into the logs! They will see that we are working proper!

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RE: Ban Request - Emperor Cow | KreXArN | Trix - by Burnett - 06-20-2013, 10:55 PM

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