Ban Request - Emperor Cow | KreXArN | Trix

Subject: FailRP, Trying to prop kill, FearRP

Name of player(s): Emperor Cow, Trix

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:50121851, STEAM_0:1:46173018

Date: 2013-06-19
Time in GMT: GMT +1 ( Oslo Berlin ) 23:27

Server: v2d


I was trying to arrest a chef, because he random attacked people with a crowbar + he insulted.
Emperor Cow tried to kill me with a prop, to help the chef.
After the chef ran away, i tazed the chef and Emperor followed me to step on the chef's body. After that i tazed Emperor. The chef ran away again and i tazed him again. Trix steped so hard on his body, until the chef died.

After that i wanted to go back to patrol with an other officer.
Trix took a seat without my permission. I told him to get out several times,
he just ingnored it. After I shot a warn shot, he still ignored me.
He broke FearRP. He laughed over the mic.

At this time no Admins we're online and the president did not do warrants.

Evidence: &

Emperor Cow (trying to propkill, stepping on chef's body), Trix (stepping on chef's body, until the chef dies + breaking fearRP):



Subject: FailRP, Teamkill

Name of player(s): KreXArN

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:2652451

Date: 2013-06-20
Time in GMT: GMT +1 ( Oslo Berlin ) 00:01

Server: v2d


The Cop "KreXArN" random tazed people (you can see one on the video, the others on radio).
After I told him via mic he get banned for that,
he killed me with his gun.


Random Taze + Team kill.

Messages In This Thread
Ban Request - Emperor Cow | KreXArN | Trix - by Burnett - 06-20-2013, 03:36 PM

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