Ban request for 5 people (RDM,CDM,NLR,Propclimbing)
Name of playerToungeonySlayStation, JK Renth, Jcaz94, juliandomicolo, (NotAMod)EmeraldEngineer.

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:55263193,STEAM_0:0:66278478,STEAM_0:0:50547777,STEAM_0:0:61607393,STEAM_0:0:50723656 (This is in order of Player Names)

Time in GMT: Not sure, these all occured somewhere around 20:00 PM

Server: Evocity V33x

Summary: EmeraldEngineer ignored me the 2 times I said to take off his suit when he was a cop, JK Renth(CDM on juliandomicolo,attempted to CDM me), Jcaz94 (RDM with a knife) and juliandomicolo (BMD, broke NLR) were behind BMD spawn, and said I stole their weed seeds, I checked my inventory, and it was at the origional 45, not only that, but it was fake seeds, which I right clicked and threw at their CDMing car. When I was a gun dealer PonySlayStation prop-climbed in and out of my small fort, a rebel also went in and wouldn't leave, but switched jobs when I came to take a screenshot of him hiding under the desk.

Evidence:EmeraldEngineer with suit on as cop The Broken NLR,CDM,And RDM with a knife : Now the fireman propclimbing (PonySlayStation): Sorry about how messy it is, I tried to write the URLs of the best evidence, as it takes too long. And I have ran out of time, gotta sleep, so please, ban these people, thanks for your help.

Messages In This Thread
Ban request for 5 people (RDM,CDM,NLR,Propclimbing) - by InTheBeef - 06-16-2013, 08:56 PM

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