Unban Request. Not Fair What So Ever!
Your name: HahA_MuG_SHoT_

Your ban ID: 33379

[b]Banned by: [FL] Narcotic

Reason: Breaking fearRP

Involved: XrAlpha [FL] Narcotic

Why we should unban you:
Well... the owner of a shop had asked the police to get this 'man' ([FL] Narcotic) out of the store when I got there, there were two other officers (XrAlpha) and I didn't see the other ones name. Anyway I was going to roleplay saying 'ok we can fix this put down the gun' stuff like that then all of a suddenly the other 2 cops opened fire on the man ( [FL] Narcotic) and he was a admin, he thought I was the person who opened fire on him, therefore I am writing this. That other officer is still out there and he escaped and me doing nothing got a ban... Thank You, So Please Unban Me[/b]

Messages In This Thread
Unban Request. Not Fair What So Ever! - by HahA_MUG_SHOT - 06-15-2013, 05:52 PM

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