I am being honest
Your name: ||=Alpaca=|| ImSoHappyMTD

Your ban ID:33310

Banned by: [FL] Aviator[/b]

Reason:Ban Request 33159 Approved - "Breaking FearRP

Involved: pavilion

Why we should unban you:

Ok, well as you know the story was that i was at the gas station when a cop tried to pull me over but i ran away, however i want to set things straight. firstly the Carleones were banned from the city, this is why i thought i had to rush into town and get out again, secondly the user pavilion has a terrible mic so i was not able to understand a word he said (im not joking) i did tell him to type but he didn't so i got out of the car to see why he was pointing his gun at me so i guessed it was to do with me being in the city. he pulled a gun out so i got out the car however he holstered it so (as i was banned from the city) i took this opportunity to drive away.

i understand watching the video and hearing a clear mic that it was a mistake and i know i did break fearrp however i did not intend to. looking at my ban history i do not think you will consider however i do love fearless rp and i hope to be able to stay on it.

i wanted to ask if my ban could get shortened to a smaller period as i do not believe 24 hours is a correct time due me not knowing the full story

please consider
sorry to waste your time

Messages In This Thread
I am being honest - by HopeYouLoseMTD - 06-14-2013, 09:37 PM
RE: I am being honest - by Pavilion - 06-14-2013, 10:20 PM
RE: I am being honest - by HopeYouLoseMTD - 06-14-2013, 11:03 PM
RE: I am being honest - by aviator - 06-15-2013, 07:44 AM
RE: I am being honest - by HopeYouLoseMTD - 06-15-2013, 02:28 PM
RE: I am being honest - by aviator - 06-15-2013, 03:10 PM

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