Banned- being a bit naughty
(06-14-2013, 01:00 AM)Narcotic Wrote: Please explain to me how jumping on cars, spamming the keypad just to annoy people who took part in the RP, propclimbing over a wall, spamming the camera right in my face and driving around and ramming the gate is "roleplaying properly". I also globally announced anyone found griefing will be met with a 1-week suspension, yet you chose to ignore that statement and went straight to ruining the event.

Yes, i know i ruined it for people, i didn't see the notice about the ban and i was not 'spamming' the keypad, like i said, i didn't mean to 'spam' the camera, it was a mistake, and i did specifically say that before this happened, i was RP'ing properly, i realize what i have done but i assure you, half of the things here, was either an accident (like ramming that gate, my PC is a laptop which cannot run Gmod that well, i have lag issues sometimes, which is why i 'rammed' the gate, while trying to turn around) or not actually committed (like the keypad incident ) i pressed it once and once only. I admit to prop climbing because that's what i did, i also admit to dampening this event - also what i did.

P.S. Jumping on my own car does not affect anyone else, i was trying to have a bit of fun with some people.

Messages In This Thread
Banned- being a bit naughty - by irshunter - 06-14-2013, 12:54 AM
RE: Banned- being a bit naughty - by Narc - 06-14-2013, 01:00 AM
RE: Banned- being a bit naughty - by irshunter - 06-14-2013, 01:12 AM
RE: Banned- being a bit naughty - by Narc - 06-14-2013, 12:43 PM

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