Animus Vox
Your name: [FL:RP] Animus Vox

Your ban ID: 33255

Banned by: [FL] Temar

Reason: FearRP, Mass CDM on purpose, 10th ban

Involved: Myself

Why we should unban you: I completely take the ban, as I did turn the corner and hit a massive group on the street. I ran from the cops and got out of my car. I guess that could be considered FearRP, but I just wanted to get away, as I was already wanted for speeding. I completely admit to hitting a massive group, but purposely? Eh, you could argue each way. Fact is, I was also banned for having 10 previous bans, which is probably the biggest factor for the length of the ban.

Each of my bans have been pretty separate, as you can see here.

[Image: kry1VRU.png]

Now, if you look at the ban numbers, most of them are rather spread out. Over time, I've learned about the different things of what to do and what not to do. I've followed most rules, but the CarDM has always come back to bite me. The bans are not really consecutive except in one spot, but other than that, they aren't. I try to follow rules as best as possible, but that obviously doesn't always work. I was also blacklisted from cars, which is probably for the better.

tl : dr I completely accept my ban, just want to try and lower it due to the time length between bans. I am completely fine without a complete lift, as I know I did wrong, I would just appreciate and shorter ban time.

Thank you to all who read this and considered a shorter ban time for me. I hope that this isn't the end of my Fearless time.

-Animus Vox

Messages In This Thread
Animus Vox - by Animus Vox - 06-12-2013, 11:51 PM
RE: Animus Vox - by Temar - 06-13-2013, 12:23 AM

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