Banned for FailRP; Unjustly so, at least.
Even though this ban has already expired, I'd like it very much to be off my record entirely, so I'll keep going. On your first point, you said and I quote "had the gun to my side" while "police officer holding a gun to my back". So if your gun is at your side, and another person has a gun pointed at you and tells you to drop it, is it not breaking fearrp to turn around raise your weapon and fire? I mean, you had a blatant disregard for your life in the situation. My moving was a strategy move, that should you have followed and RPed properly, you would have been arrested and I would have escaped. Anyways, you continued, raised your weapon, and shot.

Now again, with the @$$ to the window bit, I will show this much. Now, as per, (, the specific branch of high functioning autism my character had was one that inhibits their ability to differentiate figurative language and literal language. You told him to put his @$$ to the window, and he followed as per how his brain functioned the equation. You then did say "look out the window", and I had heard you say that, to which I responded "Can I take my @$$ off the window?". It's at that point you said you were done with me and wasted me.

Your point on not taking the situation seriously is invalid when refering to the @$$ to the window situation, but under the circumstances the singing is your main point. Well, that as I said was a humorous play on words with the Daft Punk song "Get Lucky". Under the circumstances, he thought his life was over, and was having a vast amount of stress and anxiety over it. One of the most effective methods of coping, verified by a study over at sciencedaily (, is humor, which was the strategy used by my RP character in this situation. The humorous remark with the Get Lucky pun was not a sign of some sort of lack of regard, rather a sign of pure emotional distress, accompanied by stress and anxiety. It was simply the way he worked with the situation and coped.

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RE: Banned for FailRP; Unjustly so, at least. - by BenCanobi - 06-11-2013, 03:53 AM

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