Has anyone done something nice for you lately?
Today, I went to go pick up some stuff at the dollar store on my bike, I am 13, and that is the only way I can guarantee everything is done right. So I set off with 4 dollars in hopes of a candy bar, drink and a few other things. Its about a 3 kilometer bike ride there and another one back more or less and it was VERY hot outside. I got there and was sweating and thirsty, so I quickly grabbed everything I needed and checked out. 4 things, that is 4$ if I have this whole "DOLLAR store" logic correct. After scanning the items the lady looks at me and goes "4.04" and I was like "Uhm... what?" and she repeated herself and I looked at her and said DAMN. She was like "What is the problem" I said "I have only for 4 dollars." so she took the 4 and against her jobs policy, sold me the drink anyway. She risked her job for a child in need of a Mountain Dew :3. It inspired me to do this, so [b]has anyone done anything nice to you lately? Have you done anything nice to someone?" POST IT HERE!

Messages In This Thread
Has anyone done something nice for you lately? - by Noobias - 05-30-2011, 12:52 AM
RE: Has anyone done something nice for you lately? - by dryblood321 - 05-31-2011, 08:11 AM
RE: Has anyone done something nice for you lately? - by dryblood321 - 05-31-2011, 08:55 AM

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