EvilHits xHD - FailRP as President
Name of player: EvilHits xHD

SteamID: 59786385

Time in GMT: STEAM_0:0:59786385

Server: v2d

Summary: When he was President he announced that 'The Purge' was going to take place where all crime would be allowed for a short period of time and told government forces not to intervene.

This caused a few people to start RDMing. Apparently (according to Animus Vox) he changed jobs after making this law so that he could go and RDM people.


[Image: 3ceMx.png]

[Image: 3ceOt.png]

[Image: 3cxfJ.png]

Messages In This Thread
EvilHits xHD - FailRP as President - by GRiiM - 06-10-2013, 02:13 AM
RE: EvilHits xHD - FailRP as President - by GRiiM - 06-10-2013, 03:21 AM
RE: EvilHits xHD - FailRP as President - by GRiiM - 06-10-2013, 04:04 AM
RE: EvilHits xHD - FailRP as President - by Narc - 06-14-2013, 02:04 AM

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