Ban request for Scally
(06-09-2013, 08:55 PM)RainbowDashikins Wrote: Right. You cut most of it out. You were told before you ran in you couldn't have an office. We were letting someone else in when you were told to go down. You ran in and the President and the HSRU Told you to go down, You ignored. I told the President I will handle it, so only way to stop you running around is to tie you up. I couldn't tie you up unless I tranqed you. As you were screaming and running. Which we cant see you screaming as you cut noise out. I only tied you up as I wanted to ask you to leave and would have untied once you left, you knew this. When I asked you to leave after tied you ignore me. So I went to explain to the President and came back. You again.. Ignored. I asked him to demote you for not leaving. I tied you up so again, you cant run around like a Failing-RP 'Idiot' and so you couldn't Hurt the President (RP Reason). Any other questions, just ask.

EDIT : You did not stand still first time I had gun at you (While in office) You kept running around. So I commented on that in-game. (Local OOC)

Actually no I cut 50 seconds at the end and the video starts when I recorded. Two more things, How did I cut the audio of me screaming out when fraps takes all the sound and video and complies it into one file because you can still hear my footsteps. Two so you told the "Heterosexual satanic raging unicorns" that you would handle it. I don't get why you didn't just get the president to demote me if I was doing what you said I was doing?

Well I actually meant you cut parts from how you got inside and how the President said no about having an office. Also I remember you shouting how I couldn't be able to get you with my tranq while aiming, in the video that wasn't heard.. And I did get the President to demote you after I gave you one last chance to 'think' and leave. Rather than wanting to cause trouble. I had to tie you up as I said, you were a risk to Security.
Also, unrelated note, you must have something against me to bring up such a pointless and obviously wrong accusation.. As I didn't bring your failrp ahead. Yes I have no proof (But the President and the HSRU witness) but I thought you would have learned anyway and it wasn't such a big deal.

Messages In This Thread
Ban request for Scally - by =Dyso=Oscar_Muffin - 06-09-2013, 02:00 PM
RE: Ban request for Scally - by Scally - 06-09-2013, 02:27 PM
RE: Ban request for Scally - by Scally - 06-09-2013, 09:25 PM
RE: Ban request for Scally - by Fultz - 06-23-2013, 04:22 PM

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