Banned for FailRP; Unjustly so, at least.
Okay; I'll start off with the Police Officer incident. First of all, you shouldn't have moved. I had a gun pointed at you before and I had given you a clear order to stand in that spot and I had given you no order to move. Now even though I had the gun to my side afterwards, there's still the threat of me taking it up and shooting you, even with a police officer holding a gun to my back. So in that case, you shouldn't have moved even with the cop being there, and him being able to offer you some protection.

Now lets go back to the case where I had you in the President's office and I ordered you to "get your a** to the window." When you actually put your a** to it, I took it as fail RP and minging. I'm sure you knew what I was telling you to do, but you chose to take it to a radical point where you were actually putting your a** to the window. And even after I told you to get your a** to the window, I told you to look outside. I never wanted to kill you, but you were giving me no choice for you seemed very resistant to take the situation seriously.

Now you seeming to not take the situation seriously moves onto my next point that is just that: you were singing, putting your a** to the window, and just making a joke out of the situation. I had a gun to your head, your head; you, the president of Evocity. You didn't seem to care for your life at all; you didn't seem to care about your life one bit. You just wanted to do stupid things to make a joke out and maybe get a few laughs. Now maybe you did, maybe you did care about your life in that situation but you sure wern't making it out that way.

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RE: Banned for FailRP; Unjustly so, at least. - by Theomenz - 06-08-2013, 09:05 PM

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