Instant ban without any kind of investigation
Im sorry, i just dont recall any civilians near the impact zone. But it seemed so aggresive not to bother asking, seeing that i hold only 15% of the fault here. I was sure there was nothing wrong with it, since we had 3-4 guys with over 200 ingame hours saying that we should do it ..

When you do theese shoot first, dont bother to ask questions bans, the rp on the server dies. It should be focused on making people do the right things. Obviously we were 6 guys unaware off this being a rule break. I think people
are afraid of having fun on the server, if you keep banning like that. At some point people are just afraid of admins, not because they have done anything wrong on purpose. But because bans doesnt allways come to those who deserve it. I read the rules, and a matter like this its hard to tell wether or wether not its allowed. Because we thought it seemed like great rp to do like a "drive by" molo taunt. That wasnt gonna kill anyone.

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RE: Instant ban without any kind of investigation - by Exiscion - 06-08-2013, 04:42 PM

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