Banned for FailRP; Unjustly so, at least.
Alright, so this is what happened from my point of view:

I came up the elevator, killed your guard, and then searched the rooms and eventually found you. When I entered the room you began to sing to me (now I have no problem with this), but I told you to get up and you obeyed. But afterwards you began to run towards the elevator even though I had my gun pointed at you and I was yelling to stop. I was willing to let that one go so we could continue the RP. Now when I finally got you to the window in the main presidential room, I shot at the ground and told you to stand there and not move unless ordered by me. I told you to look out the window and I did as well to show you the chaos that you'd caused with your very harsh laws. With this, I had never put my gun away, but when the police officer came upstairs you ran behind him and we ended up in a gunfight. When that was over you were still in the room and when I put my gun to you, you started to run out towards the elevator once again. Even with me yelling to stop, you continued to break FearRP a second time.

When I finally got you back into the room I did tell you to "get your a** to the window," now maybe you didn't hear me but I then told you to look out. But after that you faced the other way and pretended to put your butt to the window, completely disobeying my orders. After that I killed you to, at least, finish the RP situation and banned you for consistently failing to role-play the situation correctly and for breaking FearRP 3 times.

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RE: Banned for FailRP; Unjustly so, at least. - by Theomenz - 06-07-2013, 05:04 PM

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