Request ban on: shifu
shifu (james bond):


Time in GMT: 12:38:15 (circa)

Server: rp_evocity_v33x

Summary: Me (Victor Vrkiller) and Liam clark, had a base. When we came back to the house a SRU had been destroying all our contraband, I took a knife out and tried to kill him, but he killed me first. Later i asked why he raided us. (We believe it was random because he had no reason to get into our house, no warrant either)

This was the log from my console, where we ask for a reason. He claims he do not need a reason:

Quote:You received $170 salary. $30 paid to tax.
*** victor vrkiller takes out a Knife from their backup.
(Advert) Mr. Doran: president is stuck in elevator rebels
(Advert) Mr. Doran: fucking kill him
Unknown command: recorddemo
Unknown command: recorddemo
Unknown command: +gm_special
Unknown command: -gm_special
(OOC) VrKiller [The Family]: shifu your reason for entering our house was????
[fl:rp] Liam Clark: that was a fucking random raid
Player TooManyBitches has disconnected.
Player карабль has disconnected.
Player карабль (STEAM_0:1:49672501) has joined the game.
(OOC) shifu: contraband
(OOC) VrKiller [The Family]: how did you kno there was contraband?
(Advert) Mr. Doran: President is contra farming
(OOC) shifu: that is easy
(PM) Liam Clark: lets report the sru s
(PM) Liam Clark: he random raided us
(OOC) VrKiller [The Family]: how so, that is pretty random shifu.....
(OOC) shifu: no its not
(Advert) Adam Jones: i' m stuck in jail. Help!
Please wait 0 seconds to talk OOC again.
(OOC) VrKiller [The Family]: you have some explaning to do or i will consult an admin!!
(OOC) VrKiller [The Family]: shifu please explain now
(OOC) shifu: ok but what do you want to say to him a sru stole my drugs :.......(
Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
Host_WriteConfiguration: Wrote cfg/config.cfg
You received $170 salary. $30 paid to tax.
(OOC) VrKiller [The Family]: why did you random raid us?
Player 까까 (STEAM_0:1:65912683) has joined the game.
(OOC) shifu: it was not a random and im didnt raid im destroy drugs dude
(OOC) VrKiller [The Family]: WE HAD NO DRUGS?!?! i'll as for the last time why did you
random raid us?
(Broadcast) Elliot Bay: The president has set the tax to a high amount of $30 per
(OOC) shifu: yes you have dude but im destroy it
(OOC) VrKiller [The Family]: we had contra but no drugs, but WHY did you raid us, you
have to have a valid reason!
(PM) Liam Clark: he fucking destroyed everything
(OOC) shifu: it was steel not a random raid and when a police/sru do that its not calle
raid it called a contra check no body home i brea
Player Davaa left the game ( AFK).
Player Davaa has disconnected.
(OOC) VrKiller [The Family]: okay this is going on the forums!
(PM) To Liam Clark: im posting this on the forums now...
(OOC) shifu: okay but you nothing can do caus its legal fore me
(PM) Liam Clark: and i will say that he fucking random raided us and his name is shifu
Player Демон байкер (STEAM_0:0:17774202) has joined the game.
(PM) Liam Clark: he was srus
Player _N!XEN_[VGIE] has disconnected.
(OOC) shifu: so stop crying
(PM) Liam Clark: i am at base
(Radio) Adam Jones: do we have a base?
You received $170 salary. $30 paid to tax.
(Advert) James Bond: Selling a Ferrari /pm shifu
Player _N!XEN_[VGIE] (STEAM_0:0:23475718) has joined the game.
Player Elliot left the game (Disconnect by user).
Player Elliot has disconnected.
Player Mr. Doran has disconnected.
Player Charles has disconnected.
Player Charles (STEAM_0:1:37905835) has joined the game.
Player blabbe (STEAM_0:0:64057715) has joined the game.
(Broadcast) Max Redwell: The president has set the tax to a medium amount of $12 per
(PM) Liam Clark: do ban request on him
(Radio) Adam Jones: do we have a base?
You received $188 salary. $12 paid to tax.
(PM) To Liam Clark: i'm doing it as we speak
(PM) Liam Clark: ok
Player Davaa (STEAM_0:0:65213432) has joined the game.

this was a picture taken after:
[Image: rp_evocity_v33x0074.jpg]

i know Liam clark supports this request.

Messages In This Thread
Request ban on: shifu - by vrkiller - 06-07-2013, 08:57 AM
RE: Request ban on: shifu - by alex20xn - 06-07-2013, 09:03 AM
RE: Request ban on: shifu - by Narc - 06-07-2013, 12:29 PM

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