Ban Request - Dutchy, Commander Cookies & Kulthro
(06-06-2013, 03:02 PM)DutchyGoesHamInnit Wrote: Helping the SRU? In what manner? They agreed to taking me back to the Nexus after they're done with their contraband search and I followed them in. If you can't take banter I feel sorry for you bro

Helping the SRU because you followed them in while they were "raiding" with a gun loaded. This is FailRP in the sense that the SRU allowed a citizen to have a gun out. but also from the citizen's point of view that they were getting involved in SRU business. Which is usually quite secretive.

Them agreeing to take you back to nexus has nothing to do with the ban request as it was after the event.

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RE: Ban Request - Dutchy, Commander Cookies & Kulthro - by TedInternationalLover - 06-06-2013, 04:54 PM

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