Ban request on Ú©pee[D]''
Name of player: کpee[D]''

SteamID: STEAM_0:0:19233797

Time in GMT: Gmt +3 (Finland time)

Server: rp_evocity_v2p

Summary: We were making a base, when this guy knocks the door (Speed). He wont stop knocking, so I shot once with AWP the wall just for the noise. He went off, but came back 1 minute later. He lockpicked our garage. So I took my weapon out and try to shoot him, but with bad success. He got me, but then Ibi got him too. Then he comes back 3 minutes later with his friend. (NLR) and starts to shoot our friend named Axo (RDM). Then they proceeded to raid us and they succeed at it. (Random raid again & more RDM). After they raided, they CDM'd Axo for no reason (We were corleones, so we spawned like 20 meters of our base...
I forgot speed's friend name so I didn't ban request on him, but it is shown on logs.


-GMT +3 (finland) 17:05-17:16

-3 witnesses
Axo STEAM_0:1:39134243
Ibi STEAM_0:0:30227979
Iraq Lobster (me) STEAM_0:0:26059289

-I was trying to take evidence video (I ran back to our base just to cam. I was NOT gonna shoot or anything. The videos only showed me dying, but no names of the people Sad

I hope this guy gets banned finally, he breaks rules all the time but this is the actual time I got tired of his random raiding.
Thanks for at least considering Smile

Messages In This Thread
Ban request on Ú©pee[D]'' - by Iraq Lobster - 06-06-2013, 02:59 PM
RE: Ban request on Ú©pee[D]'' - by WeedMarley - 06-07-2013, 03:26 PM
RE: Ban request on Ú©pee[D]'' - by Iraq Lobster - 06-07-2013, 04:51 PM
RE: Ban request on Ú©pee[D]'' - by Fultz - 06-08-2013, 03:06 PM

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