Police RP-What is acceptable and what isint?
1. Not many people in the server care about the speed limits, so do some Officers, and I'm not talking about every single player in the server. Just as Narcotic said try to pull them over and fine them. It's their job to enforce laws and if they break it they should pay the fine. Or you can just inform the president about the officers that break laws themselfs.

2. There are many new players that go on Fireman or Paramedic job, and they just speed around with their car, they may speed to respond to a emergency call but if they don't, just fine them aswell. Or try to tell them what their actualy job is to do, helping is always a better way.

3. Just ignore some people that are whining if you arrest them. But make sure to raid/pull-over or whatever you do with a valid reason. When I'm a officer I see alot of people whining when they get arrested for a valid reason some of them even break rules themselfs afterwards. Also a little tip; explain why you fine them or arrest them, don't just handcuff them and ask the fine, explaining will calm them down usually. If you are unsure about a law you can always just radio what you want to ask. You can always enforce the permanent laws, and the complain I mostly get when i'm a officer is that the president hasn't broadcasted it, however it is in the permanent laws and you can allways enforce it. Ie: Jaywalking. If they complain about that get them to read the permanent laws.

4. That's true, there are many new players playing as police, and people do judge them on his/her hours. And that's wrong, I personally like to help those new officers so they know how to be a officer and do their job. But the president can always demote a less experienced player for a more experienced one (Correct me if i'm wrong). But if you do see a cop that is not doing his/her job you can always request a demoted, but only do it when they refuse help and if they keep failing at their job.

I hope this helped you.

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RE: Police RP-What is acceptable and what isint? - by Weecow - 06-06-2013, 02:16 PM

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