Ban Request - Dutchy, Commander Cookies & Kulthro
Now, I didn't read the other replys, but I didn't see what Commander Cookies did, but I was driving and the other two shot me, and stole my car, and drove away with it, and they were both SRU, or SUR, so I think they should be baned to.
(Dutchy, and Kulthro)

They were leing saying that they didn't take it, I was gona report them but I didn't have something to record with to show, please ban them, they been making FearlessRP look really bad, plus in the video, One of they said the n word, I won't say it but I heard it.

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RE: Ban Request - Dutchy, Commander Cookies & Kulthro - by nEEb__ - 06-06-2013, 02:13 PM

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