Police RP-What is acceptable and what isint?
Heya People

I love playing as the police in the game.
It allows me to protect those who may not be able to protect themselves however the only problem I find is Either Rule breakers or Bad officers.Now Im not saying everyone will agree with my points here but I just hope it gets noticed.

1. Officers are not above the law they up hold the law!
-I have seen way to many officers speed past me breaking the Speed limit In my eyes(If I see this I pull the cop over and warn him)
this is wrong as those people are holding themselves "above" the law.

2.Firemen and Ambulances are also no exception to the above
-Again when people get into a Firetruck or Ambulance I see them drive around like
idiots it seems when they get there hands on any type of Law enforcing vehicle they
they think their the new Jesus or something...( I pull them over and demand they pay the fine or Risk Demotion)
(The above excludes responding to emergencies which is indicated with Sirens)

3.(this is not to do with officers to much)
-I have seen a large increase of NON-RP complaints while arresting people. I think past officers have lest a bad sting on people and they are generally negative towards the cops. This in my eyes is saddening how people who protect them are nearly always there no.1 enemy. The amount of False ban requests I get when arresting some on is also Unimaginable. Sure you don't want to go to prison and lose out on RP time but please RP being arrested rather than just go "OMG IMA SO REPORT YOU TO ADMINS".

4.New Officers
-I know this a slightly controversial term seeing as alot of people judge a officer and
his skill depending on how many hours he or she has had on the server. Personally
find this wrong and that the new people playing as police shouldn't just be kicked
off but guided by either the sergeant or a higher up member than them to help them on there way so we no longer get any rule breakers.

These are all personal opinions and you are all entitled to your own.
I hope you see my points and would like to see your Opinions too.

Thanks, DragonZ

Messages In This Thread
Police RP-What is acceptable and what isint? - by DragonZ - 06-06-2013, 06:45 AM

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