why are all these requests so hostile?
The first delivered version was short and simplified. Now, if you take a look at the first one, it states "you had a gun pointed at you", "told to get down on the ground", as you didn't comply to that, you were told to leave. "you failed to comply and drew a gun, got killed and returned before 5 minutes had passed.".

Here it is in a full version:

We have your fellow police officers hostaged in a building and doing some roleplay, that was going well. In some strange way, you had been informed to report at the place, knowing there was hostages inside. We point guns at your vehicle telling you to step out, you do. We tell you to get on the ground, instead you start backing off, which at the time was fine by me, then we told you to leave. Instead of doing so, you decide to pull out your USP and start shooting at us, which followed you to be killed by us. You then come back before five minutes have passed, thus breaking the new life rule.

Below you can see the quoted rules you have broken.

CityRP Rules Wrote:13. Follow FearRP. You can't attack a person who has a gun (or tazer) pointed at you, while you are unarmed, you must roleplay being afraid of the gun.
2. Follow NLR (New Life Rule). If you die, you forget everything from the "past life". You cannot go back to the place you died in the past life for atleast 5 minutes.
5. If you are a government official, and you receive word of a hostage situation, do not run straight in and shoot randomly.

Messages In This Thread
RE: why are all these requests so hostile? - by Narc - 06-04-2013, 11:10 AM

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