RDM (Burning People as a cop/Shooting)
so there was a fire outside nexus so I turned on fraps (I always have it running) and i ran over there because there was a crowd gathering (normally a crowd gets props and sets them on fire to burn people) so I go and see. I sent a request before the crowed started of camera and a police officer came down to see, but he didn't only come to investigate but to start acting irresponsibly as a cop and spawn a prop and burn people with it. after the prop burned out i followed him same with another few people to ask him why he did that. After he started to shoot me near the tunnel so obviously i start to back off, then he runs even closer and shoots me more. i still try and tell him to stop and i have it on tape then he shot me more so i back of then go closer to check his name but then he just killed me completely.
-Also im not sure if burning comes under RDM or is against the rules but it just seems to come under attempted RDM

Here is the HD (1080p) video evidence:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GY-IRgyW7...e=youtu.be - The guy who shot me tried to stop the officer

Messages In This Thread
RDM (Burning People as a cop/Shooting) - by Coupcunt - 06-03-2013, 05:52 PM

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