why are all these requests so hostile?
(06-03-2013, 10:51 AM)Doomdude1 Wrote: Since I see you're pushing the "real life" argument, here's how it would work.

Want a "real life" server? Good - If you die you are permanently suspended, you have no job, the police is over-powered, you have to eat, sleep and drink with money you don't have, you get diseases which hinder you etc. etc.

The server is realistic but we still have a rule set which you are required to follow. If there was no rule about it, I am willing to bet my left eyeball that 70% of the server would go in "Rambo style".

Im not pushing the "real life" server. I've palyed video games for years, Its been my passion because its Fatasy, not real. though you have to derive some decisions from your experiences in real life, how to act, what to say, what to do. In that situation is acted from my knowledge of how a police officer would react, quickly. I secured the area, used my cruiser as cover as I watched the door, made sure no civilions were in harms way and confronted them with vocal "is there anyone in there" before 3-4 peopel came pouring out of the door screaming at the top of their lungs through mic "get on the floor" I myself, have a car as cover, they do not. though they shift run aroudn the car and Spray me down. which my car was about 20 feet from the door, though my memory could be wrong at the distances. I posted the link to the unban request which explained the whole situation for a reason though you didnt read it. and this isnt a thread askign for an unban or ban-shortened length.. its for my personal knowledge of why and how the admin handeled it the way he did. so can you guys please stop acting as if im making an unban request.

Edit: I also would say the shooters went in "rambo style" instead of RPing the situation. They treid forcign me into an RP situation but then shot me when i didnt respond to their mic smap of a command.

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RE: why are all these requests so hostile? - by A Box o' Crayons - 06-03-2013, 10:58 AM

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