Your name: Darkyoshi

Your ban ID: 32626

Banned by: Grub

Reason: Apparently NLR. Some Rebel spawnkilling me all the time. and everytime i woke up from death, he started shooting at me, then i shot back since he just waited for me to spawn. and then i got banned for breaking NLR. how am i supposed to get out of the area when im getting spawnkilled every 3rd second?. so as i understand the rules of the server. if you spawnkill someone, and they dont have a chance to get out of spawn. they get banned for NLR. This is exactly why i quit for a long time. for random bans like this. have played like 1 day and first thing that happens when i get spawnkilled is i get banned.....

Involved: A Rebel that i dont remeber the name of. that was spawn killing me.

Why we should unban you: Well because i play by the rules. and i dont have noclip so i cant get out of spawn in 0.01 sec...

Messages In This Thread
Unban - by Darkyoshi - 06-01-2013, 12:58 AM
RE: Unban - by Grub - 06-01-2013, 02:45 AM

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