Dawnrider's UnBan request 27/05/2013
(05-28-2013, 09:44 PM)Vauld Wrote: Oh you've got to be kidding me. Let's begin.

#1: I didn't setup a barricade, you all did. You used the barricade to shoot into the city.

#2: I gave no orders to kill innocent civilians. That is a blatant lie.

#3: You have a perfectly fine reason to assassinate me, there was no reason to shoot the dying people on the street.

#4: Anyone who tried to leave the city, you would shoot them... Unarmed police officers running away would be shot.

5: We were all laying down on the ground, suffocating from the gas, trying to RP.. And you STILL shot at us. You shot us while we were like this: http://steamcommunity.com/sharedfiles/fi...=148620632

6: There was no mistake in the ban times, I believed that you had more to do with it than the others, so your ban time was longer.

Like honestly, can you not tell by the passed out bodies that we're trying to RP? There was absolutely no reason for you to be bringing aggressive RP into an event that was other-wise passive. I was laid down passed out from the gas, and you still shot at us, hitting anyone in the range of the bullets... That's not okay.

I witnessed most of these fights and also involved in some as well.

Firstly everyone was ordered to the Nexus building and also change to a civilian under gun point of every soldier and SRU available. Once seated you appeared
at a podium and talked about "cleansing the city" and how we will pay for what we have done. Then you ordered your police force to select
a random person and then they all executed him. Shortly after you executed another person, then ordered your police force to kill everyone else. Most of us escaped,
and regrouped planning our retaliation. We then learnt you gassed the entire city.

#1. When we did attack the roadblock was already their, WE DID NOT create it, your police force must of done.
We did not enter the city, fearing the gas while also trying to get civilians out of the city.
We did not fire into the city itself only the tunnel leading to the city at the police who were armed and trying to tell to stand down
(they might of been out of our voice chat in hindsight).

#2. Yes you did in the Nexus - see first paragraph. This was our reason to overthrow you.

#3. We did not kill civilians especially ones lying on the ground. Our rebel leader (Dawnrider) order to attack armed government
only not to harm civilians but to try and assist them when (if) we get into the city.

#4. No only police who had guns in their hands, (we gave them a chance to disarm first,
but again they might of been out of Dawnriders radio). If there was people who were shot,
might of been accidental or they were not shot by us.

#5. No, we were shooting the police in the tunnel, once they were eliminated,
we held off and guarded the city entrance. After a while we spotted you walking with some other
civilians around the bodies, and Dawnrider gave the order to shoot the president. I took a shot and someone else,
but within seconds you flew in front of us demanding why we were shooting and ruining the rp, also you claimed RDM,where i believe we didn't.
We just reacted to the Nexus situation.

#6 The Hours of the ban is your call but in my opinion the ban was uncalled for cause we legitimatly reacted to the presidents(You) actions.

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RE: Dawnrider's UnBan request 27/05/2013 - by MJW112 - 05-28-2013, 10:52 PM

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