[Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories [Recruiting]
Personal Information (OOC)
Name: (First and surname) Jak (Not saying last name)
Steam Name: (Steam Name) [FL:RP] Unholy
Steam ID: (Steam ID) STEAM_0:1:38401751
Age: (Age) 15
Nationality: (Nationality) English
Time Zone: (Time Zone) GMT
Hours: (Number of server hours) 404
RP Points (if applicable): (RP Points) 5
Bans (with dates): (Bans) 5 ( All at least 3 months ago ). Only 1 by me, rest by brother.

Character Information (IC)
Name: (First and surname) Alexia Petrov
Age: (Age) 17
Address: (Address) 1 EvoStreet | PR5 6PE
Nationality: (Nationality) English
Bio: (Short description about character) Alexia has been a wealthy Pawn Shop Owner and knows a lot about guns as she trained her security personally. She now wants to work for a corporation where she can apply her gun/stealth skills.

Application Information (IC)
Position applying for: (Position) Head of Specialist Operations
Reason for applying: (Reason) I am a expert with a sniper and have been very good at gaining access to restricted zones undetected. I have learn't more ways of getting into zones either by keypad cracking, sneaking through security or picking of sentry guards from long range with her trusty sniper, Betty.
Experience: (Experience) Personally trained guards that work in her Pawn Shop that have never let anyone brake in the shop.
What Aperture can expect from you: (Answer) A very good sniper or someone who can take down her foes with deadly and quick accuracy.
Previous employment: (Last job) Pawn Shop Owner

Psychoanalytic Questions (IC)
Are you left or right handed?: (Left/Right) Right
You are walking alone in the woods. What is the first animal you see?: (Answer) Deer
If you were a shape, what shape would you be?: (Answer) A straight line so people wouldn't see me
You are stranded on an island. If you could bring only one item, what would it be?: (Answer) A sharp knife
Kind Regards,
Fearless Donator

Messages In This Thread
RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories - by Arxxy - 05-26-2013, 04:55 PM
RE: [Unofficial] Aperture Laboratories [Recruiting] - by Arxxy - 05-28-2013, 09:27 PM

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